gratitude survives
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Pan's Labarinth...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Whole Bunch of Nothing aka Crap For a Good Cause...
Write A Better World. I like happy endings. Join me in creating one?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
So Grateful...
gratitude survives
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Got in bike accident on way here... Maybe I broke my arm? Who knows...
gratitude survives
Started Counseling ...
gratitude survives
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Gratitude Survives...
gratitude survives
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Cycladian Tempest that Felled the Fleet Footed One.
I love you. Not a choice. My beautiful, distant Argonaut. I wait for you to come true.He sailed away, Aegean shores, was it a dream? It seems a dream.
Caught between mythology, heart and the hopeful tomorrow,
I am confused, sad and still an idiot of melancholy optimism.
I Am...
makes the Universe admit a
"I am
Really Just a tambourine,
Grab hold,
Play me
Against your warm
~Hafiz, the Gift trans. Danial Ladinsky
the words stop
and you can endure the silence
that reveal's your heart's
Of emptiness
or that great wrenching sweet longing,
that is the time to try and listen
to what the Beloved's
Most want
to say.
~Hafiz, the Gift trans. Daniel Ladinsky
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Love Love Love. Love is all you need...
When the proposition was up at bat before, I was kind of apathetic as I was fighting for my life in our broken healthcare system. Yeah, tell me I can't marry and it will hurt my feelings and get my hackles up, but tell me I can't have healthcare and it potentially ends my life. Very quickly. Exhausted from a decade of having to justify my exisitence and right to it, I kind of equated the two issues as , "Would you like air to breathe or a comfey velvet snuggie? Your choice." The two issues were miles apart. In the immediacy of crappy health and no access to treatment, they seemed so. But in reality, they were not.
No one, no ONE, in America should ever be made to feel less than. We are equal, beautiful, vital parts of the whole. The issue of marriage and the denial of the opportunity boils down to religion driven-, fear based bullying and bigotry. I kind of think if Jesus were to meet the buffoons condemning His people in His name, He'd just shake his head, sigh and say, "Moby was right. Everything is wrong."
How could religion, in good conscience, deny anyone the ability to sanctify and legally protect their union? Spirit is expansive, inclusive and made at its very core of the soul sole ingredient of ALL--love. To legally deny love the right to exist is as senseless as a Britney Spears hit. Just utter nonsense.
Tonight, as I wiped back tears at the surprising emotional tsunami I felt, I actually thought, "Wow. Not that anyone could stomach the thought of a lifetime of me, it sure is nice to have the option..." {well, actually, the one I'd choose would rather have an unanaesthantized root canal than imagine a lifetime of me, but such is life...}
Knowing that I could have the right to legally and spiritually announce and protect my love, just like everyone else in America, made me happy, peaceful and no longer a sad member of the Less Than- demographic I had previously been designated to.
For today, social justice won the day and said, in a clear and loud voice, all people are created equal and shall be treated as such.
Wow, that rings a bell. Novel concept, huh?
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Come! Just Listen by Rumi
Just listen.
We know a way from
your scene
to the Unseen. You've
lived too long in that
gloomy house. This
path leads to a garden that will lift
you right out of your self.
The gardener is an old friend,
the cyptress and jasmine, too.
Every day
we come and gather
a hundred blossoms
here to scatter
among you.
Don't worry, there
are no hidden motives,
just too much love
blooming to
keep for ourselves.
These words are fragrance escaping
from this garden. See
how the world is softened
by their sweetness. Hear
them whisper,
Come! Come! It
really is like this!
When we first caught
the scent, it
swept us away, then
gave us greatness.
And even if we are
nothing more than
servants of love now,
take care! Like love,
we wait in ambush.
You mean, it's actually warm somewhere...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Fifty-five degrees...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
I said...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
The Universe has a LOT of patience...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
How's about...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
A different world...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
Mercury SF...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.
Never forget...
Smooch. You've been Hit and Run Craiged.