We mustn't blanketly demonize peoples--that is small mind thinking. Iran is an amazing culture of art, wisdom, philosophy, realization.
Check out some surprisingly vivid and timely reflections from Hafiz, born circa 1325 Persia, modern day Iran. Doesn't seem like it was written 800 years ago.
"Come to my house late at night -
Do not be shy.
Hafiz will be barefoot and dancing
I will be
In such a grand and generous mood!
Come to my door at any hour,
Even if your eyes
Are frightened by my light.
My heart and arms are open
And need no rest -
They will always welcome you.
Come in my dear,
From the harsh world
That has rained elements of stone
Upon your tender face.
Every soul
Should receive a toast from us
For bravery!
Bring all the bottles of wine you own
To this divine table - the earth
We share.
If your cellar is empty,
This whole Universe
Could drink forever
From mine!
Let's dine tonite with exquisite music.
I might even hire angels
To play - just for you.
Hidden beneath your feet
Is a Luminous Stage
Where we are meant to rehearse
Our Eternal Dance!
And what price is the price
of my Divine Instruction?
What could I ask of you?
All I could ever want
Is that
You have the priceless company
of Someone
Who can Kiss God,
That you have the priceless gift
Of becoming a servant to the Friend!
Come to my window, dear world -
Why ever be shy?
Look inside my playful Verse,
For Hafiz is Barefoot and Dancing
And in such a Grand and Generous -
In such a Fantastic Mood."
“We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light!”
“One regret dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough.”
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”
“Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.”
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