[Below is an email I sent out to my running partners in the marathon program. Enjoy, consider or delete.]
That was a great twenty miles on Saturday, folks. Ironic thing was as we were running through Duboce Triangle, I pointed out where I get my quarterly blood draw as a part of regular HIV monitoring healthcare. My insurance covers this routine blood draw, which without insurance, would cost over $700. Or so I thought until I got home from my run success.
Waiting for me?
A bill saying my claim was denied and my insurance was cancelled by Blue Shield, and I immediately owed the $700. Since I have lived in SF, I have been laid off three times, which has put me over $30,000 in debt trying to prevent just the situation I am currently going through. You see, with a preexisiting condition, if your insurance lapses, you are ineligible for future healthcare. So I have paid my COBRA, which is now over $600 a month so that i can prove continuance of care. So expensive that I can't afford the co-pays of going to the doctor. So, I guess the thing you direct the most attention trying to prevent can circle around and bite you in the ass anyhoo.
I was watching The Secret and it talks of the Law of Attraction. Did I draw this drama to me to learn some lesson? Was I exceptionally evil in the post-karma department? I don't think so. What I do believe is that it has been my calling to embody the legacy of Hermes the Messenger. I am here to remind people of personal responsibility and unconditional compassion. If my AIDS experience has increased awareness and access to treatment for others, then that is a good day.
Thank goodness for the great folks like Megan at AIDS Legal Referral Panel who are advocating my case, to Ellen at SFAF who got me on ADAP so my drug access won't be threatened, and to Peter at the Immune Enhancement Project, who has been helping me deal with this extraordinarily stressful situation through Eastern modalities like massage and acupuncture. It has all taken a toll and I am getting sick--I can feel it moving into my chest. But I am willing myself better to run with the Bridge to Bridge crew on Sunday. (Where we meeting up?)
All of this is not to say, "Woe is me..." it is to say how vitally necessary your funds and awareness you are raising are. You are outstanding, you have changed the world, and I am honored to run amongst you. Thank you for sharing of your passions, your selves.
On an unrelated note, check out this clip. Anyone wanna join me for one? Delicious! http://www.comedycentral.com/motherload/player.jhtml?ml_video=103115&is_large=true
Wind at your backs...
Namaste, I honor the god in you