Ho Ho Ho!
Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Jolly Festivus/Dandy Diwali/Groovy Eid and all that jazz! Wishes for a holiday with the love of family, extra fatty foods heartily enjoyed, and a few days of delicious sloth.
Here's a couple of pics of me at work--proof that I am working today, tomorrow and New Year's Eve, New Year's Day--something I have never done in a 25 year work history. At first it seemed odd to be working these days that I used to hold in such high reverence. Actually, I still hold them as such, as they symbolize for me, the best of family. But since family is in CT this year and I am here, I figured, why not work? The world keeps turning, and hotels never sleep. Ironic, huh? Kinda fun being cheerful and giving good customer service--those that it doesn't make suspicious really enjoy it. After work, my great friend Lynell and her hubby Ian have invited me (and Fugee!) to their home for a Slavic Christmas Eve dinner--looking forward to it. Friends are family, too.
Some of the sweetest memories I hold are of our Hermes' Christmases--Mom in constant song since Thanksgiving, decorating every ledge in our house with family treasures, many having seen better days maybe 50 years earlier, stuffing our faces with spritz camels and wreaths, chocolate logs with holly leaves, pecan balls, peppermint fondant that had the quality of candy cane Play Doh, homemade advent cards, an advent wreath with della robia fruit made the day President Kennedy was assassinated, precious styrofoam Aunt Dottie elves looking like they had been in a horrible ten sleigh pile up--missing limbs, eyes, feet, heads--but still magic.
So many memories, fun to recall. Flaming plum pudding that rarely lit the first time, served with a chorus of Deck the Halls, Oyster Stew, boring slide shows of the Holy Land narrated by our two hundred year old neighbor Edgar Brown, great conversations between the generations. Gay, Paul, Dickie, Jim, Grammie, Grampa, Mom and Dad. Scott & I getting to open one present Christmas Eve. Snoopy & Scamper with their Christmas bows. Hopmeadow Street was Christmas. Memories wrapped in a golden cast of nostalgia, many of the traditions non-repeatable, making them even more special.
So that is a lot of what Christmas was, but the Christmas is is just as beautiful, just different. I hope you have a chance to think back today to some of your special memories, your history a Christmas Present.
What do I wish for a New Year?
More time with family & friends. Being better about remaining in touch. Getting that marathon recap email out...
And for YOU, I wish abundance, amazing health, loads of laughter, love, peace. Okay, I wish it for me too.
Have a happy happy holiday.
Craig n Fu
"And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more"
~ Dr. Seuss