What speaks to our priorities being on straight as a people more than
celebrities toting $16,000 botox-injected crocodile or python purses,
"to make the bags look softer and more plump" , "giving them a
youthful softness beyond the dreams of the most clean-living croc."
Thanks, JLO, for helping us keep our eyes on the prize!
Wow. We're cool!
Glad the money wasn't wasted on something frivolous like trying to get
ourselves out of dead last/worst healthcare system of 19 developed
nations studied. http://www.todayonline.com/articles/231138.asp
Thanks, stockholders! Well done! There's always room for profit in
maintaining health.
As we are in a time of political change, please consider how the
candidate you choose support plans to ensure quality, affordable
healthcare for all. I really don't think bankruptcy or threatened
lack of access to treatment should be one of the expected symptoms of
any illness.
I'm really not a crank, I just like to rattle the cage every so often
to say "What do you think? Do you think?" I say it as much to myself
as to anyone in particular.
Thinking. It does a body good.
For some positive inspiration, check out
for Divided We Fail, an
initiative of AARP. http://www.aarp.org/issues/dividedwefail/
All are One. Put yourself in another's shoes. Compassion.