One of the tasks I undertake there is to be present at euthanasia. To provide some heart, some presence, lots of love, and support.
One of my friends thinks it's kind of ghoulish to volunteer for this.
I feel honoured.
I've done hospice for the most precious people to me. I''ve faced my own mortality several times-death doesn't scare me. It fascinates me. The peace. The possibility. The beauty.
Maybe it's my spooky New Age guy thing, the fact that I know the power of heart connection, my Reiki training, my optimism-that allows me to do this.
As I clear my mind, I coordinate my breathing with the dog's, I practice extending my heart, my unconditional love, I use my massage training, and I stop myself from spiraling into grief.
I call the elders in (Fugee, Scamper, Spot, Happy Cat, Snoopy, Winifred, Niner) and ask them to greet the newly-transitioning pup.
Is any of it real? I don't know. Is any of this?
What I do know is that this most compassionate act is given in love, in comfort, in presence.
So, sweet Hannah, run free!
We didn't know you long, but your final act was pure love. Thank you for letting us love you.
Be at peace.