Friends, Family-
I am truly testing your good nature, I know this, but please hear me out. It's important.
The great news?
Craig's Team of Family & Friends for ALC 2007 has already raised over $3,200 for my participation in the 575-mile journey this June. Thank you SO MUCH for believing in me, for caring, for choosing action over complacency, for being the change we wish to see in the world.
So, why the email?
I again humbly ask for your good humor and patience and ask that you read this email and consider its message.
In November, I will be participating in the AIDS Marathon in Florence, Italy, raising vital funds for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. I have committed to raising at least $4,200 dollars and I'd like to exceed $5,000+. Hopefully, I can hit the mark. Last year, we raised over $10,000 with AIDS/LifeCycle, so I'm confident we can do this.
My friends and family are engaged and active participants in creating positive social change. I am just acting as a reminder or vehicle for action. I hope that you will once again join me.
I run, I bike, I must. This will be my second season of the AIDS Marathon. Can't believe it was five years ago I ran in celebration of my 40th year and fifth year of being positive.
Five years later, still here, as is AIDS. Not an easy five years, much life transition, money issues and recently some minor pesky immune issues.
I run to raise funds for people who so vitally need the services that were there for me.
I run to regain my power, my sense of hope and joy.
I run to create a world where assumptions about living with HIV are challenged. A world that does not stigmatize a disease. A world safer, more knowledgable for my niece & nephew.
And yes, I run to carve some blubber of my love handles. Actually, that's just a nifty perk. But those other reasons?
That's why I run.
It is our obligation to share our great good fortune. Please consider joining me in this next life-affirming adventure. No Body Glide, DryWick or Band Aids on your nipples required. I'll take care of those...
Below, a portion of my ALC letter, as well, to further explain my double participation in such a short period of time:
This paragraph is where I should say poignant things and make you feel the need for the event. But, with this being my 12th year of participation, I've kind of said it all before. What can I say except that it's still so vitally necessary, that people need to ride bikes extraordinary distances just to keep friends and family alive. Kind people. Many of these people not normally active. It's not easy, it is commitment, drive, compassion. Your family, friends, neighbors--all connected, we are all our brother's keepers. I decided to challenge myself in a new way this year, by becoming a recurring donor at Keep a Child Alive. For $30 bucks a month, the price of just one of my 60 antiviral pills I take in a month, I am providing a month's supply of antivirals for someone in Africa. I can't give up two weeks of Biggie Diet Cokes so that a child can live? Of course I can! The extraordinary, prohibitive costs of health insurance and antiviral regimens here in the US makes this journey necessary.
Still Necessary.
I Honor the God in You.
AIDS Marathon Florence 2007 Runner #5053, ALC Rider #4147, SFAF Client, HIV+ over 12 years, a pain in the ass for far longer
P.S. Please forward this page to your friends and family; they can just click or cut-n-paste this link and make a secure, online donation: https://www.sfaf.org/give/marathon.cfm?e=FL07&f=Craig&l=Hermes&n=5053
Think pro-karma spam! Delicious.