Wednesday, July 14, 2010


From the The Love Song Of Alfred J. Prufock by T.S. Eliot, we are tempted with such succlent notions as "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each... Do I dare disturb the Universe?"

Yes!  Yes, do.  Sometimes all it takes is a kind "Why?" to initiate a snowball effect of change when a person or a system is asked to justify its position.  If one remembers two cardinal rules to be learned from nature for successful living, bend like the willow and have the feathers of a duck... (thanks, @AndrewKok).  Always be willing to move your stake.  Question to learn, not to diagnose or defend.

Had a stunning example of this rule in action today.  In finalizing the last of a year of compiling bankruptcy info (and yes, it does take that long, cynics... hope you never have try it on top of health and staying homed issues), I made one called in regards to a $14,000 hospital bill in collections, the guy cheerfully said, "Oh!  Adminstrative error.  100% written off and you're elligible for a year of free care at the hospital!"

Just by asking.

Last month, a friend was denied funds at a local AIDS service organization and faced eviction.  A simple email asking for consideration produced a $1,000 grant.

Do eat a peach.  Do ask why.  Do disturb the Universe.

Create the reality you would like to live in.  Love to you ALL.

All are One.