Tuesday, December 29, 2009

An Overlong, Overdue Update I'd Be Honoured if You Read

Happy Yule, Belated Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Eid, Tihar, Diwali...well, let’s just clip it short there, lest we trod too politically correct a landscape. Let’s just say, “Happy Grateful and Warm Wishes for 2010.”

I’m just finishing up a whirlwind trip to Connecticut to spend Christmas with my fantastic family. Thanks, Scott and Jane, for getting me here and for making me feel special; and thanks, Carol Ann and Christopher, for making it seem like I hadn’t missed a day since I last saw you, even though your larger and more adult-like every day.

It’s strange to return to your roots when you’ve grown into such a different person than would be expected, as surprising to one’s self as to the extended circle. But I have grown so okay with how this irregular egg has hatched that I sit on this side of major transformation and think, ‘Wow! Didn’t see that coming...” More mostly bemused, rather than, “Why me?” or “Could we change that?”

I have this annoyingly persistent trait of being grateful even when things suck out loud. That doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated or exhausted, or wonder “How many friggin’ legs does this millipede have and how many shoes are there left to still drop?”

The narrator in me finds it fascinating, and that is what spurs me on toward trying to figure out this strange saga of heart and guts and trying to be better- you know, ‘The Tale of Hermes Alchemist--aka The Journey of the Melancholy Optimist’. Or ‘A Connecticut Yankee in Hermes Trismegistus’ Court’. The Kindle I don’t own needs a reboot--not sure which is the correct title. You choose.

Anyway, blah blah blah, me me me...

So why am I updating? Well, many of you have been following my thread since India, and many have noted that I have been rather quiet of late. I’ve had a lot going on, the most recent of which included going on disability a month and a half go.

Why disability? After 13 years of strict compliance with HIV meds, I finally had to throw in the towel on a system that is so broken that it put me $35,000 in debt JUST MAINTAINING COBRA HEALTHCARE COVERAGE. No assets to show for the money, all strictly going toward my $900 a month co-pay during periods of lay off and draconian employment laws which make it optional for employers to provide health insurance.

With so much going toward the insurance, I couldn’t afford copays and deductibles, and couldn’t afford the quarterly $800 blood draws to prove I was positive in order to access services.

So I have been off meds for almost a year. I feel fine and oddly relaxed as the renegade, gone the crushing stress of trying to stay well under the unreasonable constraints of what profit driven healthcare considers wellness. That, and i kinda enjoy swinging from the Sword Of Damacles.

Why disability? Because what I was most lacking was balance. I being one of the rare breed who will pick up trash on a sidewalk as opposed to stepping over it, I try to make the world around me better. Pie eyed optimist, I.

I simply realized I needed to afford the care to my personal situation that I skillfully avoided for many years. You cannot take care of the world and not take care of yourself. For the first time in ages, if ever, I am taking care of me.

So how does that manifest?

I am going into debt consolidation next week. I want to be held accountable to what I spent, I just cannot pay it back at the rates that the banks want. After Wells Fargo screwed up my account and credit rating my APRs all jumped to around 32%. My bank account went to less than zero. and I was in a danger zone. Hopefully, my disability status combined with 25 + years of excellent credit rating and desire to pay my debt will work something out.

So how else?

I am starting running and cycling again. My passions for these activities have become strangers to me, so I want to warmly revisit these activities and make friends with them again.

And I have also signed up to do AIDS/LifeCycle 9, as I know how vital the services provided by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation are. First hand.
Alive because of them.

This is a soft approach at soliciting donations. If you’d like to get a donation in to this calendar year, then paste or click this link 

Alternately, you may search by my name or participant number at www.aidslifecycle.org.

Just to be a huge pain in the ass, if you were considering donating, I would love to ask that you think about splitting your donation between LifeCycle and the AIDS Emergency Fund. These outstanding angels are the only reason I am not homeless. They granted me my last month’s rent at a time when I had no money and no other resources. They also provide support for folks with Breast Cancer. Every penny counts.

AIDS Emergency Fund (www.aidsemergencyfund.org) has secure online donations here: https://www.givedirect.org/give/givefrm.asp?CID=1397.

I have to look at my current situation and think, “Well, at least I, with a legacy of communication, can translate how our incredibly broken system is failing the citizens of one the world’s greatest nations...” Hopefully, it will touch you and inspire you to act with compassion and empathy for all the amazing people that make up the human tapestry that is America. That which affects any of us affects all of us; All Are One.

Thanks for reading this overlong, overpersonal update from Hermes Alchemist. If you choose to donate, fantastic and I thank you. If you need to pass, and I certainly understand hard times, I’d ask that you consider volunteering or donating to a cause that resonates with you. If not us , who? If not now, when?

Oodles of warm, peaceful vibes for a 2010 with love, laughter, heart and connection.

Thanks for being connected to me.

I honour the God In You.

PS- I’d love to have you join me on ALC! There are places for everyone!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wisdom From Jefferey, Whizzer & Marvin on the Day Before Never.

"Hate AIDS, Love Life." Jeffrey the Movie


"Love Everyone/Thing, Always Tell The Truth." Maharaji via Ram Via Me

Hate AIDS.  Easy to do.  Unnecessary suffering, agonies, cruelty and greed manifested in the name of AIDS.  THAT is easy to hate.  But you can't hate something away.

As The Beatles told us, ALL you need is love.  On George's anniversary of his passing yesterday, or droipping the meat puppet, as I like to say, it gives one the chance to reflect and assess from where we have come and where the hell we are going.  George "got" Krishna or Christ consciousness.  Love is the only answer.

It IS exhausting loving the unloveable. It challenges our egos, our minds.  Good.  Let it tussle with your modes of entrapement.

Here is my exercize for you.  You won't like it. But give it a shot.

Really challenge your assumptions and perceptions.

LOVE AIDS for its fierce grace in growing compassion and empathy and propelling humankind forward, in reminding us that that which affects the least of us affects all of us, for burning away the borders of class, economics and race, and for the millions of angel souls who signed up to help us just-slightly-denser-than-cement beings remember the One.

Would I prefer not to have AIDS?


Would I be who I am, or even alive, without AIDS?

Most probably not.

It helps me to forget about Me and remember Us.
Grateful for, to quote 'Falsettos', 

"the chink in the amour
The shit in the karma
The blues."

Grateful for the U in Us.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Synchronicty--Is Time Linear?

This is just a little brain nugget to chew on.

"Mmmmmm- brains," -Homer J. Simpson

This is my Mom's favorite piece of jewelry that I gave her--one of the few pieces not stolen by the guy who broke into our house.

In High School, I got SO mad at her, I bent it up onto a ball--I know, I know--what a shitty kid. One of the wings fell off.
It hurt her so deeply, I immediately unbent it and offered to her as I sobbed. She hugged me and it never happened.

It's new, phoenix incarnation was astounding. It is the exact shape and size of the same image found on my grandfather, the architect, Otto Hermes' map of the Cape.

Our ancestors really do leave a roadmap for their dim witted followers.
And pain transmuted, is ceaseless beauty.

Thanks, Gramps! I love you, Mom.

Ach du lieber!!