Happy Friday, All...
Just a quick request-- think happy thoughts for Fu. He's really, really sick with pancreatitis, which he may not bounce back from. He's been in the hospital three days now, on IV.
Since I am made of money, what the heck, what's another 5 grand on the debt pile? It's just delayed dues paying for being a member of Club Fugee.
And I say without hyperbole, this pooch has been my lifesaver on several occasions. He came to me the week before I found out I was positive. When I shut people out trying to deal with this, he'd push his big, loving, stinky head into my lap and give me a "Let's go for a walk or chase birds!" look. He got me outside of myself.
It's weird, I noticed a woman walking her 42 year-old much loved relic of a Lab, who was walking sideways, hunched over, with locked hips and sad, sad eyes. I looked at that scene and hoped that I would have the compassionate good sense to let Fu go went his quality of life declined. What makes Fugee's situation frustrating is that he was the same hyperkinetic puppy four days ago, who pulled me 4 miles on a run. If he can be that puppy again without putting him through extraordinary stress, it's my obligation to help him out.
I am a believer in positive intentionality, so send him a kind thought and a smile if you will.
Wrote a blog the other day about challenges, positive thinking, and what we are to conclude from them. It's here if you'd like to read it: http://hermesbrainbelch.blogspot.com/2007/08/melancholy-optimist-aka-to-coin-phrase.html
Oh, and HUGE thanks to Patrick for spending an hour and a half with Fu at the hospital yesterday, to David, for talking with my vet and helping me to ask the right questions, and to Beth for driving me over to see Fu.
I have a 7 mile maintenance run for the marathon tomorrow. Who'd have ever thought that seven miles would be considered a short run?
Enjoy your weekends.
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