Wow- you people have some powerful connections.
The vet saw a rebound in Fugee that was completely unexpected and equally unexplained. He certainly isn't out of the woods yet, but the vet felt it warranted bringing Fugee home, as the environment of the hospital was stressing him out immensely.
If it is or was Fu's time, I didn't /don't want him to go out alone, scared, in an environment so foreign in smells, sounds and without people he knows.
This is a monitoring time. There are many positive signs--Fugee wagged and quivered when he saw me--first time he'd done that since going in to the hospital, and he pullled, pulled pulled on his leash when my friend Jane and I walked him to the park.
Hopefully he will get some much needed rest and stop digesting his own organs. Silly pancreas.. Oops that reminds me--need to go get some Mallox for him.
When I got home, Fugee leapt up on to my bed and immediately started snoring--that's exactly the same response people have! Uncanny!
One thing that really touched me so was by how much and how deeply Fugee had touched many of you. He's a special bag of bones and stink, and a very real vehicle of unconditional love & friendship.
Thank you for loving him like I love him.
Have peaceful, easy Eagles' Sundays, all.
Love from Craig and Fugee, the medical miracle twosome.
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