Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Archetypes & Archegripes aka EDD, You Kill Me...

Hello.  Back again.  Seems like am certainly living up to the archetype of Hermes, the Trickster.  The Trickster shows up in all cultures to remind people of things they don't want to be reminded of, to give flashes of insight, given from the point of pushing one on toward compassion, toward their greatest good.
According to our friends at Wilkipedia:
The trickster deity breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually, albeit unintentionally, with ultimately positive effects. Often, the bending/breaking of rules takes the form of tricks (e.g. Eris) or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often funny even when considered sacred or performing important cultural tasks. An example of this is the sacred Iktomi, whose role is to play tricks and games and by doing so raises awareness and acts as an equalizer.[citation needed]
In many cultures, (as may be seen in GreekNorse, or Slavic folktales, along with Native American/First Nations lore), the trickster and the culture hero are often combined. To illustrate: Prometheus, in Greek mythology, stole fire from the gods to give to humans. He is more of a culture hero than a trickster. In many Native American and First Nations mythologies, the coyote (Southwestern United States) or raven (Pacific Northwest, coastal British ColumbiaAlaska and Russian Far East) stole fire from the gods (starsmoon, and/or sun) and are more tricksters than culture heroes. This is primarily because of other stories involving these spirits: Prometheus was a Titan, whereas the Coyote spirit and Raven spirit are usually seen as jokesters and pranksters. Examples of Tricksters in the world mythologies are given by Hansen (2001), who lists Mercurius in Roman mythology, Hermes in Greek mythology, Eshu in Yoruba mythology and Wakdjunga in Winnebago mythology as examples of the Trickster archetype. Hansen makes the interesting observation that the Trickster is nearly always a male figure.
Frequently the Trickster figure exhibits gender and form variability, changing gender roles and even occasionally engaging in same-sex practices. Such figures appear in Native American and First Nations mythologies, where they are said to have a two-spirit nature. Loki, the Norse trickster, also exhibits gender variability, in one case even becoming pregnant; interestingly, he shares the ability to change genders with Odin, the chief Norse deity who also possesses many characteristics of the Trickster. In the case of Loki's pregnancy, he was forced by the Gods to stop a giant from erecting a wall for them before 7 days passed; he solved the problem by transforming into a mare and drawing the giant's magical horse away from its work. He returned some time later with a child he had given birth to—the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, who served as Odin's steed.
Other famous Tricksters who make us learn things we don't want to are Brer Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, The Tramp (Chaplin), Pippi Longstocking, and perhaps the most feared and powerful Trickster, yes, Sarah Silverman.
So, why the unsolicited lesson on these rapscallions?
I am among their hordes, both as Hermes and as well, me, the Charlie Brown Everyman who seems to have what could go wrong go wrong.  Believe me, I have Creatively Visualized, I have Secretly wished, I have intentioned, dreamagined, willed--and --- nothing.  Shooting blanks here.
Maybe the most compassionate and beneficial gift we can be given is in the form of seemingly unanswered prayers. Ganesha removes obstacles, but who's to say the things we think are obstacles are on the same page as Ganesha and that we'll like the form in which the removal takes place.
I've learned an enormous amount about how our system is completely fucked up, broken at every turn.
I am an honest guy who plays by the rules of actually possessing a moral compass--seems that's none-too-common these days.  Though I have helped raise in excess of $100 million for AIDS service organizations either through direct fundraising, or event production, I am ineligible for services.
Though I am entitled to to be on unemployment as I transition from disability, EDD has fought me at every turn.  I should have been receiving  benefits from 12/17/11.  
I just received notice--today--that I am eligible for an appeal.  GREAT!!!  When will that happen?
In 10 weeks.
Bravo, fed gov and CA.  I could be dead from your expeditious and compassionate handling of what should be an open and shut case.
So?  Trust and gratitude move to the fore.  Because I haven't allowed the possibilities of death and homelessness to become real, I, somehow am still homed, still somewhat well. But there are limits.
My immune system is taking a HUGE hit--I can tell by the warts that are starting to sprout on my eyelids.  Sexy, I know.  T-Cell, hold on...
So, while I do not apologize for voicing my situation, AGAIN, in public forum, I hope you will indulge these missives of chaos and frustration.
I, Hermes, hold up a mirror crackd to a very broken system, hoping to incite some empathic reaction, not toward my personal situation, but toward the inner Don Quixote in you... tilt at some windmills with me?  Nobility demands!
Onward, upward--with an honest, connected heart and an unreasonable demand for impossible dreams.