Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hello Music Biz, Entertainment, and Social Justice Activist Pals!

Hello Music Biz, Entertainment, and Social Justice Activist Pals! 

I ask your indulgence, once again, to take a brief moment to direct your presence to some heros in need. Lyon-Martin is a trailblazer and a leader in affordable and nonjudgmental community health care for lesbians and bisexual, women of colour, transgender, people below 200% of the national poverty level, and the homeless in San Francisco. 

The economy is tough on all business right now--particularly brutal for non-profits whose funding is down. We can not, MUST NOT, allow another gem to shutter in our extraordinary city, a city legendary for its heart and its love.

I'd like explore the potential for pulling together VERY QUICKLY, a benefit of big named women's talent to save this VITAL resource.  To be clear, this is not a done deal nor even a sanctioned idea by Lyon-Martin. I'm running a little renegade here, as I would like to present a more filled out sketch of what we potentially could do to assist Lyon-Martin in these challenging times so that the folks at the organization can decide for themselves if it might be in line with their values and help in their struggle to stay afloat..
I would be dead if not for SF's compassionate service organizations, like Lyon-Martin.  I don't think in a truly compassionate and equitable society, economics should figure into one's ability to stay alive.

Looking for anyone with connections to female activist artists a la Joni Mitchell, Stevie Nicks, Heart, Indigo Girls, Exene, Gwen Stefani, PJ Harvey, Bonnie Raitt, Ani DiFranco, Phranc, Tracy Chapman, Lucinda Williams, Shery Crow, Rickie Lee Jones, Sarah Silverman, Margaret Cho, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O'Donnell, Kathy Griffin.  
Perhaps a blessing with the 13 Grandmothers, or hug-a-thon darshan with Ammachi. Also, it does NOT need to be a strictly women's event.  I remember an incredibly cool 'Rock Against Rape' event that Kurt Cobain played at.  Any artist, event peeps that would want donate services, talents, venues and hearts--BRING IT ON! 

We are obligated to grow our hearts outward, past apathy, past pain, past gender, past skin colour, past petty differences--to celebrate the extraordinary similarities and magnificence of which we are ALL equal partners.

All Are One.

Be You-Spectacular, powerful you.

Let's channel our extraordinary ability to create a world of fantastic impossibilities. One which includes a healthy, supported and well loved organization like Lyon-Martin Health Services.  

Please feel free to forward this to any appropriate folks.  I thanks you for attention and your heart.


Craig Hermes


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