Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's The Way God Made Me. To Quote Gail McNeil from 3rd Grade. "God Don't Make Junk."

I'd like to thank my pal, Paul V. for building an idea that creates hope, inclusion and inspiration for all.  Check out his site at borngaybornthisway.blogspot.com.

Here's my story and I am sticking to it.  Until I don't.

My Mom was an actress.  I was in utero for her performance of Buttercup in HMS Pinafore--She was supposed to be "Sweet Little Buttercup", but because she was so pregnant with me, they padded her sides to make her look like Fat Little Buttercup, instead of Knocked Up Little Buttercup.

The following year, I was breast fed by Mad Margaret.  Could we see the handwriting on the wall?

I Loved theatre--used to cue my Mom for her roles, like my personal favorite, Aldonza in Man of La Mancha.

"Your a woar.."

"No honey, it's pronounced Whore--HOAR... now never say it..."

Here I am wearing my Mom's Polly Bergen wig, pretending to be a Hippie at a pot party.

My first mancrush?  Probably Roger Daltry in Tommy.  I also crushed on Ann Marget, hard.  I was conflicted.  Or Gemini.  Or both!

Advice... me?  Huh.  Just be the beautiful person you are, however that shakes out.  Do not let ANYONE define you other than you. Our greatest gift is our humanity, our individuality, and by far the bravest choice is to be beautifully imperfect and human--which make perfect sense in a paradoxical world.

Namaste, I honour the God/Goddess/Light/Intelligence in You.  As is.